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CompanyImage Tablosundan resmi fiziksel bir ortama aktarma

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CompanyImage Tablosundan resmi fiziksel bir ortama aktarma

//Write EmplImage to File Path
public static void  writeCompanyImageToFilePath(EmplId _emplId, str _filePath)
CompanyImage companyImage;
EmplTable emplTable;
Image myImg ;
FileIOPermission permission;

//find Employee
emplTable = EmplTable::find(_emplId);
//getting image from CompanyImage
companyImage = CompanyImage::find(emplTable.dataAreaId, emplTable.TableId, emplTable.RecId);
myImg = new Image(companyImage.Image);
filePath= _filePath +”\\”+  _emplId + “.jpg”;
permission = new FileIOPermission(filePath, #io_write);

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